DuckyBot - A Node JS Discord multi-purpose bot

Project information


DuckyBot is a multi-purpose bot designed to make adding extra functionality as easy as possible. It is ran in a node.js terminal locally, but can easily be put on a server for 24/7 uptime.

List of commands

  • ascii (prints message in ascii bubble characters) usage: !ascii <message>
  • cat (sends a random image of a cat) usage: !cat
  • dog (sends a random image of a dog) usage: !dog
  • DuckyBot (prints information about the bot) usage: !duckybot
  • emoji (prints a list of all of the server's added emojis) usage: !emoji or !emoji list
  • help (displays a list of the bot's commands) usage: !help or !help <command name>
  • say (display's a message as if the bot had said it) usage: !say <message>
  • server (displays information about the server) usage: !server
  • weather (displays weather information given a location as an argument) usage: !weather <location>
  • Server command demonstration

    ASCII command demonstration

    Cat command demonstration